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 Social Media & Self-Worth

Welcome to our website to learn about social media and self-worth.

  • Foto do escritorGrupo 2018/19 Matrizes

About us:

Atualizado: 16 de jan. de 2019

Here it goes, some useful information about ourselfs and our group on Social Media and Self worth.

Bárbara Neto Malva

Bárbara Neto Malva:

Hello, my name is Bárbara Neto and I’m 18 years old. I’m a college student currently studying LCE at ESE, Porto. I have both FCE and CAE Cambridge Assessments and my true passion are languages.

I hope to be a flight attendant someday. I’ve been a vegetarian for about two years now, not to mention a proud feminist as well. Furthermore, I would like to be doing volunteering abroad as a future new hobby.

My very first contact with social media happened at the age of 13 when I first created my Facebook account. Ever since, more diverse accounts were created but not once I got addicted to them.

Cristiana Maria

Cristiana Maria Sousa:

My name is Cristiana Sousa. I am eighteen years old, a single child, and a student at ESE. I'm a lover of books, music, vanilla, and flowers. I have been very familiar with technology since my childhood and, as well as other people my age, I am used to social media and have my own account on a variety of them, so I am curious about how social media can affect other people's emotions, specifically people's self-worth, which is what we are going to research.

Edite Sofia Sousa

Edite Sofia Sousa:

Hi my name is Edite and I´m 18 years old and like my colleagues I'm also an LCE student in ESE, Porto.

I'm passionate about languages and I´m looking foward to become an English teacher in the near future.

I also adore my family and I´m a big animal lover, especially cats, I own 12 of them.

I like social media in the context where I can communicate with my friends from different parts of the world. My first conctat with it was at age 12 on Facebook.

Beatriz Teixeira

Beatriz Teixeira:

My name is Beatriz Teixeira. I am 18 years old and I am student at ESE. I love sports, music and movies. Technology is a very big part of my life. Media is no exception, but that is something characteristic of my generation.

I have my own account in several media platforms; I share parts of my life and I intend to inspire people to live a more successful life, focusing on self-worth, self-esteem and that is the topic I want to reserve.

Can we prevent social media from affecting self-esteem and self-worth?

In my perspective, we can’t prevent social media from affecting self-esteem and self-worth, in what comes to population: we can do such thing by showing the real body image and not just an utopic and unrealistic one, proving that everybody is somewhat beautiful, and raising awareness in mental health.

Population’s self-esteem and self-worth is always going to be affected because the image portrayed is directly related to them.

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