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 Social Media & Self-Worth

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What is the meaning of Self-Worth?

Atualizado: 16 de jan. de 2019

“Everyone needs a dose of self-esteem to be happy, achieve personal balance and eventually adapt to the social environment around them. However, teenagers need it more than anyone else, due to find their vulnerability and emotional insecurity while still trying to find their identity as well”.

In case you are wondering, self-esteem is something that is build up in the early years of an individual, and becomes a “must talk about” topic later on in life. It is no more no less than the ability to accept yourself, recognizing your qualities and still admitting your flaws. It is about being able to analyze your backgrounds and feelings without looking for anyone’s validation for being your true self.

Despite having a large group of people following the wrong path, it was to be expected that such harm would be caused due to parent’s influence, late self-development or even someone’s family social class. We were wrong! This lack of self-worth is actually caused by social media itself. The need for integration is so out of control that teenagers run the risk of losing themselves in order to became ordinary but noticed. It bothers me more than I care to admit.

In conclusion, I just wanted to pass on a very important message for everyone. Achieving a good relationship with yourself is not easy and takes a lot of time. It is a key to your success and personal happiness in the future. Please be the best version of yourself.


What is Social Media?

“Social Media are projected systems that now allow people to create, share or exchange information between them, ideas and pictures/videos in virtual communities and networks as well”.

It wasn’t until 2002, in Mountain View, California that the very first network came out to the world, LinkedIn. Such creation was used mainly for business purposes and ended up having a huge impact on most societies back in the day. Later on, Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram and Snapchat came to surface as well, (among many others).

However, the promise to communicate with a family member who’s very far away, managed to transform a normal 5 minutes conversation into an 8 hour of wasted time throughout each person’s day. It might come as no surprise that over 420 million people are mow addicted to the endless social networks created as the years went by. Problem caused due to everyone’s request of being known, seen and heard. In two words, noticed and missed. Although lots of unpredictable actions and/or behaviors happened latter on as a consequence, a lot of good is yet to come from this.

In conclusion, Social Media greatest advantage is the ability to mainly encourage self-expression, as well as introducing communities to a whole new world they didn’t even know it existed yet. Obviously, this controversial topic still has a long way to go, but please, we should all keep in mind the numerous careers that millennials are building out of those these days.

By: Bárbara Neto

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